
from St Anne's

Choral Scholar Opportunities

Belfast Cathedral is delighted to announce that there is now an exciting opportunity for accomplished young singers to be considered for the Choir of Belfast Cathedral as Choral Scholars.

The Choral Scholarships will enable young people to enjoy singing the great cathedral repertoire in a beautiful building with a superb acoustic, and under one of the UK’s best-known choral conductors.

The Cathedral’s new Director of Music, Mr Matthew Owens, has run a very successful Choral Scholarship programme at Wells Cathedral where vacancies have been very much sought after. As well as singing in rehearsals, services, and concerts, Mr Owens’s Choral Scholars in Belfast will receive singing lessons. Choral Scholars applying for university choral scholarships or other musical positions will have an opportunity to receive special training that should be helpful in preparing for voice trials, auditions, and interviews.

The Choral Scholars will sing at Sunday Services in term time as well as at the major Festivals of the Church, and at frequent civic occasions. They will also sing at the regular weekday Choral Evensong on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

There are vacancies for Alto (male or female), Tenor, and Bass Choral Scholars from the autumn. Mr Owens intends to hold auditions in the last week of September. There is a scholarship grant of £1,000 for Choral Scholars who are still at school and £1,500 for university students or others who have completed their school education.

Further information is available from Mr Owens and those wishing to apply for an audition should send a letter of application with details of their training and experience to

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