Wednesday Morning Prayers
Please use the prayers below for your personal reflections this Wednesday in Holy Week-
God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in them.
1 John 4:16
I learned that love was our Lord’s meaning.
And I saw for certain, both here and elsewhere,
that before ever he made us, God loved us;
and that God’s love has never slackened,
nor ever shall.
In this love all God’s works have been done,
and in this love God has made everything serve us,
and in this love our life is everlasting.
Our beginning was when we were made,
but the love in which God made us
never had beginning.
In it we have our beginning.
All this we shall see in God for ever.
May Jesus grant this.
Julian of Norwich, 1342-c.1416
I believe in thee; help thou my unbelief.
I love thee, yet not with a perfect heart as I would.
I long for thee, yet not with my full strength.
I trust in thee, yet not with my full mind.
Accept my faith,
my love,
my longing to know and serve thee,
my trust in thy power to keep me.
What is cold do thou kindle,
What is lacking do thou make up.
I wait thy blessing;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Malcolm Spencer