
from St Anne's

The Big Easter Evensong | RSCM

Belfast Cathedral - The Big Easter Evensong | RSCM

We are delighted to support our friends at The Royal School of Church Music with this exciting initiative.

We know that choirs up and down the country can’t come together this Easter. But in the life of the church, Easter is still a major cause for celebration, and so the RSCM want choirs of all kinds, large or small, to join them in this special Festival Service. You don’t have to be a member of the RSCM to take part. Individuals can do it too!

The RSCM have put together a complete set of practice materials so that you can teach yourself the music, and then join them for a live-streamed service at 6pm on Easter Day. The service will be led by the Very Revd Dr John Hall, RSCM Chair of Council (and recently retired Dean of Westminster). Music will be led by a selection of choirs who have assembled special, virtual performances of the music which you will be able to join in with. We want everyone to sing with full heart and voice.


Further information, including links to their YouTube channel, where the service will be streamed live on Sunday (18:00 British Summer Time), can be found here:

RSCM have also provided a set of rehearsal tracks so that everyone can learn their parts and they are now available here:

Please, if you are going to join on Sunday, sign up on the form on the online resources page (above).


We really hope you enjoy singing along. A number of (virtual) choirs are busy recording all the music, so you won’t be alone on Sunday!


The Big Easter Evensong Download