Sunday 7th February: Good Samaritans Sunday
For a good number of years past the first Sunday of February has seen representatives of hundreds of charities receiving allocations raised through the Belfast Cathedral Black Santa Sit Out. This year has been very different and sadly it will not be possible to host the service in the usual fashion.
However, Black Santa is as undeterred by this setback as he was during the Sit Out itself! The service this Sunday will reflect the Black Santa tradition of paying tribute to the many unsung heroes of a wide variety of charities working in various fields to support, protect, champion and add to the lives of so many people within Northern Ireland, and beyond. The work of the many volunteers at the cathedral will also be acknowledged. The service is called the 'Good Samaritans Service' because of the selfless care of these charitable workers and volunteers, after the spirit of Jesus' great parable of compassion and care.
It is fitting that the East window of Belfast Cathedral features that very parable.
The service will be led by the Dean's Vicar, and the preacher will be Black Santa himself, the Dean of Belfast, the Very Reverend Stephen Forde. Music will be supplied by organist Jack Wilson and soloist Elsie Orr. The anthem will be 'A Clare Benediction' by John Rutter.
In addition to the Order of Service, which can be downloaded below, there is a list of all the charities that the 2020 Sit Out is supporting. Most of these will receive the money by electronic bank transfer, and some by cheque. We were greatly helped this past year by the sterling efforts of the team at PwC Belfast, who gave freely of themselves to promote and support the Sit Out, and to whom we are deeply grateful. We are delighted that the New Testament reading for this service will be read by Lynne Rainey, Purpose Leader & Deals Leader, Northern Ireland, PwC United Kingdom.
It is always a great thrill to pass out the money raised by the people of Northern Ireland, and further afield, who faithfully support the Dean in his venture year on year. Thank you to all who have contributed money, time, energy and enthusiasm to the Cathedral Sit Out 2020.
The 11am service will be livestreamed and watched through the following link to the Belfast Cathedral Facebook page:
Later in the day, you can listen to the service on the Telephone Audio Service by phoning 028 9532 0355.
For cathedral parishioners who are eligible and wish their name added to the Cathedral Register of Vestry Members, the form for application is found on page 8 of the morning service sheet, with instructions at the Notices section.
A Service of Evening Prayer is also available for private use.
Please continue to stay safe, and watch the website and social media pages for updates.