
from St Anne's

NI National Lockdown Anniversary Reflection Service – watch again

Belfast Cathedral - NI National Lockdown Anniversary Reflection Service – watch again

Watch the Service of Reflection held in Belfast Cathedral on Tuesday 23 March, the first anniversary of the imposition of the first National Lockdown in 2020.

The service is led by the Dean of Belfast, the Very Reverend Stephen Forde, with music by members of the Belfast Cathedral Choir under the direction of Matthew Owens.

Before the service 2107 candles were lit, representing each life lost due to Covid complications. There was also a large candle to represent the lives of others who died during the year, but whose funeral arrangements were curtailed due to the restrictions.

During the service Dean Forde reflected on the pain and hurt experienced by many households, the ongoing trauma of bereavement during lockdown, but also paid tribute to the tireless efforts of Key Workers throughout, and pointed forwards towards a more hopeful future.

The service can be watched on Facebook by clicking on the following link. A copy of the Order of Service can be downloaded below, as well as the Dean's reflection.

The service can also be viewed on YouTube by clicking in this link below:

National Reflection Order of Service Download
Dean Forde's Reflection Download