
from St Anne's

’21 in 21′ – Mothers’ Union All Ireland President’s Walk

Belfast Cathedral - ’21 in 21′ – Mothers’ Union All Ireland President’s Walk

'21 in 21' – Mothers’ Union All Ireland President’s Walk - Tuesday 13th April

In lovely sunshine the All Ireland President of the Mothers' Union, June Butler was blessed on her way by The Reverend Canon Kevin Graham, Rector of St Bartholomew’s parish as she set off to complete the first of her walks in Connor Diocese. June was accompanied to Ormeau Bridge by Alberta Miskimmin, Co-ordinator of Finance & Administration Unit.

All Ireland President June Bulter being sent off by The Reverend Canon Kevin Graham, St BARTHOLOMEW’S, Stranmillis accompanied by Alberta Miskimmin.

The Very Reverend Stephen Ford, Dean of Belfast, joined June at Ormeau Bridge and they continued walking along the Lagan River Path to Albert Bridge where Alberta Miskimmin met June again and they continued to Belfast Cathedral, walking through some of the oldest streets in Belfast and visiting the new modern St Anne’s Square.

At Belfast Cathedral Dean Stephen led a short act of worship with AIP June reading from St John’s Gospel.  Alberta used the Wave of Prayer to pray for the Dioceses nominated for 13th April, she also prayed for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth in this time of sorrow following the death of Prince Philip.

Valerie Ash, former Diocesan President and Cathedral branch member on the left of the banners.

Former Diocesan President Valerie Ash, Diocesan Secretary, Irene Gates and winner of the recent All Ireland poetry competition and Cathedral branch member, Valerie Reilly joined in the worship.

All monies raised on ’21 in 21’ walks will go to the ‘MUMS in MAY’ fund to provide support for MU projects in Ireland and overseas.

On the left Valerie Reilly, winner of recent AI poetry competition, Irene Gates Diocesan Secretary, Alberta Miskimmin and All Ireland President, June Butler on the right, with the Dean of Belfast (centre)
  • Written by Alberta Miskimmin