
from St Anne's

Services Sunday 20 June

Belfast Cathedral - Services Sunday 20 June

You are welcome to join us in person at Belfast Cathedral or online at 11.00am on Sunday 20th June 2021, which is the Third Sunday after Trinity. The service will be Choral Eucharist with the Rev. Janice Elsdon as celebrant, marking the 25th anniversary of her ordination to the priesthood. The preacher is Gillian McGaughey, Diocesan Reader.

There will also be a service of Choral Evensong at 3.30pm, with the installation of the Venerable Ken Higgins, Archdeacon of Down, as Chancellor in the Chapter of the Cathedral Church of St. Anne, Belfast.

Those attending either of these services are reminded to wear face coverings and to follow Covid requirements during and after the service. We are pleased that quiet congregational singing is now permitted.

For those unable to attend in person the 11am service will be livestreamed:

Orders of Service for both Morning Prayer and Choral Evensong can be downloaded below.

Sunday 20 June Choral Eucharist Download
Sunday 20 June Choral Evensong Download