
from St Anne's

Palm Sunday, 10 April

Belfast Cathedral - Palm Sunday, 10 April

You are welcome to join us for Choral Eucharist at 11.00am on Sunday 10 April 2022, which is the Sixth Sunday in Lent, Palm Sunday. The celebrant is the Dean. In place of a sermon today there will be an extended narrative reading of the Passion according to St Luke. Holy Communion can be received in both kinds, using individual cups.

The musical setting for Choral Eucharist is Communion Service in C and F  by Sir Charles Villiers Stanford and the Communion Motet is Lift up your heads, O ye gates, from Messiah, by George Frideric Handel.

There is no Choral Evensong at 3.30pm.

In its place, at 5.00pm, there will be a Concert Performance of Philip Wilby’s St Matthew Passion (“An English Passion”) featuring Belfast Cathedral Choir, Belfast Cathedral Children’s Choir, Songbirds Choir and additional voices. Tickets £10 (Under 16s free).  To purchase tickets, go on-line to

Full Details at:

Seating is now by every row, although we recommend leaving a seat between bubbles. We respectfully ask you to wear a face covering when moving inside the building but, if you prefer these can be removed during the service. However, we recognize that many will still wish to continue using face coverings, and can exercise this wish at their own discretion.

Social distancing guidelines should be observed during and after the service.

A recording of the spoken parts of the Eucharist will be posted below and on the Telephone Audio Service, 028 9532 0355 in the early afternoon.

A copy of the Choral Eucharist Order of Service can be downloaded below.

Please refer to the Featured News article for information about the services during Holy Week.

Palm Sunday Choral Eucharist Download
Palm Sunday audio Download