Sunday Services 8th May

Please join us at 11.00am on Sunday Morning, 8th May, 2022 for Choral Eucharist at 11.00am on the Fourth Sunday of Easter.
The service is led by Melanie Sloan. The preacher is Rev Janice Elsdon. The celebrant is the Dean. Holy Communion can be received in both kinds, using individual cups.
The musical setting for Choral Eucharist is The Truro Eucharist by David Briggs. The Communion Anthem will be Jesus Springing by Bob Chilcott.
The service will be followed by Tea or Coffee at the West End.
You are also invited to Choral Evensong at 3.30pm.
Organ prelude: Pastorale by Stanford.
Preces and Responses – Ebdon
Psalm 41 – Chant Bairstow
Stanford – Evening Service in C
Anthem- Since by Man came Death (From GF Handel’s Messiah)
Organ postlude: Old Easter Melody by West.
We respectfully ask you to wear a face covering when moving inside the building. However if you wish face coverings may be removed when you are in your seats.
A copy of both Orders of Service can be downloaded below.