
from St Anne's

Easter Vestry Results 2023

The Annual Easter General Vestry for the Cathedral Church of St Anne, Belfast was held following morning worship on Sunday 23rd April, 2023.

The following election results are recorded for the 2023 Triennial Elections:

Dean’s Warden:        Mr  John McCalister

People’s Warden:      Mrs Phyllis Forster

Elected Board Members (in alphabetical order):

Mrs Gillian McGaughey

Dr V McKinley

Mr T Pateman

Ms A Preece (Moffett)

Mr J Watson

Parochial Nominators (in alphabetical order)

Mrs Phyllis Forster

Mrs G McGaughey

Dr V McKinley

Mr T Pateman

Supplemental Parochial Nominators (in alphabetical order)

Dr M Callender

Mr J McCalister

Mrs A Miskimmin

Ms A Preece (Moffett)

 Diocesan Synod Representatives (in alphabetical order)

Mr D Alexander

Mr S McColl

Mrs G McGaughey

Mrs A Miskimmin

Mrs B Pateman

Mr T Pateman

Mr K Patterson

Ms A Preece (Moffett)

Supplemental Diocesan Synod Representative (in alphabetical order)

Mr C McGaughey

Mr W Miskimmin

Under 35 Representative

Mr J McCormick

 Supplemental Under 35 Representative

Mr C McGaughey

Our congratulations to all who have been elected for the incoming triennium. And our sincere thanks to every member of the Cathedral Board, especially those who have retired after many years service.