
from St Anne's

Contemplative Eucharists to Mark the Advent Season

'In silence, God ceases to be an object, and becomes an experience.' - Thomas Merton.

Leading up to and through Advent, our very own Bishop Trevor Williams and Canon Raymond Fox are teaming up with our Curate to offer a series of four Contemplative Eucharist services on Tuesdays at 1pm. These will begin this Tuesday 26th November and run until Tuesday 17th December in the Chapel of Unity. This service is in addition to our regular Thursday 1pm Communion.

A Contemplative Eucharist is a very simple service drawn from the resources provided by the Fellowship of Contemplative Prayer. It creates space for us to encounter God together by sitting in holy silence in our cathedral, meditating on a sentence from the Scriptures, and coming together in the quiet for the Eucharist.

We hope you join us as we mark Advent by making time to encounter God in the silence.