As you explore this website we hope you will enjoy a journey of discovery. At the Cathedral Church of St Anne, which lends its name to Belfast’s Cathedral Quarter, you will find history which stretches back more than a century.
Each stone and stained glass window, each historic artefact and colourful mosaic, tells of a faith and hope which has inspired the people of Belfast and the community who worship here across the span of the 20th century. And, like our gleaming Spire of Hope which soars into the Belfast sky, we invite you to discover how the hopes of a rejuvenated city find expression in the daily life of this Cathedral, alive for the 21st century.

By visiting our Cathedral you can discover the beauty and peace of lunchtime prayers (1pm Tuesday to Friday) or uplifting Choral services to inspire your Sunday (11am Choral Eucharist and 3.30pm Choral Evensong). You will unlock a living history which has shaped the present and inspires the future. You can enter a place for prayer and opportunities for thoughtful discovery in the midst of business. Here is a place to linger in wonder, a place to be uplifted and encouraged for the challenges ahead.
Through this website, you can keep up-to-date with news from the Cathedral, and upcoming services music, whether you are a visitor to our city or you are searching for something more in life.
Above all, we welcome you to a place where you may discover more about yourself, more about the vitality of this community and more about a life of faith in this God given world.