Advent Processional Service 1st December 8pm

8.00PM Start
with the Choir of Belfast Cathedral
Come and begin the journey towards Christmas with us at our Advent Procession service. This service begins in darkness and, through Scripture, candlelit movement, and stunning Advent carols, we tell the story of how the darkness of the world was broken by the light of Christ’s Incarnation.
This service is one of the highlights of the year, and our choir are preparing a feast of music for the occasion: don’t miss it!
Music includes:
The Matin Responsory, music by Palestrina
The Advent Antiphones
Peace be to you. Music by Paul Manz
Come, my way, my truth, my life. Words: George Herbert. Music, Gail Randall
A tender shoot. Words, 15th Century German. Music Kerensa Briggs
O toute belle, Vierge Marie. Words Roland Bouhéret. Music Pierre Villette
O do not move. Words George Seferis. Music John Tavener
Sanctus. Music from the Messe solenelle by Jean Langlais
With Poetry: The Annunciation by John Donne, and He will come at last, by Rowan Williams.
Along with Advent scriptures and congregational carols.
Organ voluntaries:
Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit BWV 106, Nun Komm, der Heiden Heiland BWV 659, & Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme BWV 645, all by JS Bach. Also Prelude on "Rorate Coeli" by Jeanne Demessieux.
With the concluding Voluntary, Toccata on "Veni Emmanuel" by Andrew Carter.