
from St Anne's

Sunday 5th June Pentecost and Platinum Jubilee Services

Belfast Cathedral - Sunday 5th June Pentecost and Platinum Jubilee Services

Sunday Morning service on 5th June, 2022 was Choral Eucharist for Pentecost Sunday at 11.00am.

The service is led by Gillian McGaughey. The preacher is the Reverend Janice Elsdon. Intercessions on the Platinum Jubilee of the Queen are led by Melanie Sloan. The celebrant is the Dean. Holy Communion can be received in both kinds, using individual cups.

The musical setting for Choral Eucharist is Missa Brevis  by Benjamine Britten. The Communion is “Holy Spirit Ever Dwelling” with music by Herbert Howells. Organ voluntaries will include “Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott, by Dieterich Buxethude, and “Dialogue sur les grands jeux (Veni Creator)” by Nicolas de Grigny.

At 3.30pm the cathedral was the venue for the Belfast Lord Lieutenancy Service of Thanksgiving to Mark the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen.

The Order of Service can be uploaded at the foot of this web page.

Organ Preludes:

Crown Imperial, Sir William Walton & Allegro Vivace (St Andrew Suite) Sir James McMillen

Preces and Responses – Clucas

Psalm 121 – Chant Sir Walford Davis

Charles Wood – Collegium Regale

Anthem- “Te Deum” by Sir Charles Villiers Standford

Organ Postlude:

Orb and Sceptre Sir William Walton




Choral Eucharist for Pentecost Sunday Download
A Service of Thanksgiving for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Download