
from St Anne's

Sunday Morning Service 10th May

Belfast Cathedral - Sunday Morning Service 10th May

Please join us at 11am on this Christian Aid Sunday

for our Cathedral Morning Worship.


The recorded service is accessed on Facebook using the link below. If you can access Facebook directly please "like" the service if you have been watching with us.

For those who do not have a Facebook page, please click on the underlined link below, then click the "not now option" when prompted to sign in.

At the start of Christian Aid Week, our service focuses on this year's Appeal made in the face of the world wide Coronavirus Pandemic. As we have learned the importance of frequent handwashing and social distancing, Christian Aid, working through local partners and with your support seeks to bring the basics of soap and clean water to overcrowded and impoverished communities across the globe, because "Clean Hands Save Lives".

The service is led by the Dean and Canon Mark Niblock. From their homes, we shall also be joined by Bishop Trevor and Joyce Williams, who will read the lessons, and by the Reverend Janice Elsdon who is our preacher. The pianist is Mrs Brenda Pateman, and video editor, David Knox.

Please print the Order of Service below for your own use, or to copy for any neighbours.

If you wish to make a donation to this year's Christian Aid Appeal please use the following link to the Belfast Office


Handwashing Photograph Credit: Christian Aid / Amy Sheppey/ 2019

10th May - Sunday Morning Service Sheet Download