
from St Anne's

Sunday Services 23 January

Belfast Cathedral - Sunday Services 23 January

You are welcome to join us at 11.00am on Sunday 23 January 2022, which is the Third Sunday after The Epiphany, and falls within the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The service will be Choral Eucharist, with the Dean as preacher and the Dean's Vicar as celebrant.

Please note that  seating will be by alternate rows, and we ask that 2 vacant chairs (1m) be kept between groups.

The musical setting for Choral Eucharist will be a world premier performance of Missa Sanctae Annae (St Anne Mass) by Simon Beattie. The Communion Motet will be No small wonder by Paul Edwards.

It had been intended that the members of the Belfast Cathedral Children’s Choir would be inducted as part of this morning’s Cathedral Service. Regrettably the occurrence of positive Coronavirus contacts prevented the choir from rehearsing this week. We hope that the induction of members to the Cathedral Children’s Choir will now take place on Sunday 6th February.

Choral Evensong will take place at 3.30pm, and will feature a tribute to Dr Francis Jackson CBE (1917-2022), former Organist of York Minster, who died earlier this month aged 104, (pictured here with the cathedral's Director of Music,Matthew Owens) The music will be:

Francis Jackson  ‘Procession’ from ‘Three Pieces for Organ’ 

Humphrey Clucas Preces and Responses

Psalm 115 (chant by South)

Francis Jackson  Evening Service in G minor

Francis Jackson  A Prayer of John Donne

Francis Jackson  ‘Pageant’ from ‘Three Pieces for Organ’


Those attending services are reminded that, by law,  face coverings must be worn when entering, exiting and moving around within the building, and while singing. We also request that they are worn throughout the service.  

Social distancing requirements should be observed during and after the service. Holy Communion will be in one kind only.

Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, there is no audio recording of today's service. However, we encourage you to listen to the BBC Radio Ulster Morning Service, which today featured Fr Martin Magill and the Reverend Steve Stockman, leading a meditation for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Click on the link to take you to BBC Sounds:

A copy of both Orders of Service can be downloaded below.

Sunday 23 January Choral Eucharist Download
Sunday 23 January Choral Evensong Download