The Cathedral is Temporarily Closed
Due to the current restrictions imposed as a result of Covid-19, our Cathedral cannot be opened for prayers within the building. However, we encourage you to make use of the Cathedral website, Facebook account (Belfast Cathedral), and Instagram account to keep contact with the Cathedral community online.
Prayers, online information, and streamed services will all be made available over the coming weeks, along with some more light-hearted content on Instagram to help us all through the challenges which lie ahead.
As we remember that a church is not a building, it is the gathering together of God’s people in whatever circumstances, let us also take heart from the promise which God makes to his people in the words of the Old Testament prophet Isaiah. God promises us “Even if a woman could forget her nursing child” “Yet I will not forget you. See I have written your name on the palms of my hands” (Isaiah 49:15-16)